Thursday, February 24, 2011

Into Everything

So I took some pictures yesterday, and was going to post as my Wordless Wednesday but decided that I indeed need words to explain the picture.

That's right...that is my PRECIOUS ONE in THE dryer!!!  This week Jackson has really been getting into everything!  He has learned to pull out the kitchen chair and sit at our mini table, which was cute at first, but THEN he decided to climb on the table and from there onto the stove (in only a matter of seconds/Yes, I was right there with him...just as a reassurance for my husband)

Here is a picture of my mini-kitchen table to give a better idea of how this happened.

I am not the mother who has barricaded off part of my house.  I simply have told Jackson  "No,you can't go in there" or "No, you can't play with that."  But now with as quick and fast as he is I am seriously thinking about investing in gates for the kitchen and appliance locks...even though hideous, Jackson's safety is #1.  As I promised earlier, more to come soon on our potty training adventures.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cutest little books!

I am simply ecstatic to say that I have won another giveaway for my little man Jackson hosted by Hougthon's Happenings!!!   The books are full of bright colors and have a sing-a-long CD with them.  Jackson loves reading and loves dancing to this is perfect. Here are the two books he got:

And here is an info sheet in case anyone is interested in checking out Barefoot Books Winter sale:

I am including the link for easy access...enjoy!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

What does MY toddler eat?

Saw the posting from Kelly's Korner and thought I'd join in :-)

An addition to Show Us Your Life from Kelly's Korner:

Chili beans and cornbread on a cold winter's day.  Yummy!

Jackson is now 19 1/2 months old, and is becomes more picky each day!  I'll say he was at a bit of a disadvantage on eating solid foods because he didn't have ANY teeth until he turned 11 months old, and now he still only has 12.  (The doctors said "It's okay to feed food items that aren't soft to chew, his gums are strong enough.")  But being the first time mom and Miss paranoid and cautious about EVERYTHING, I delayed a bit.  That said.  We do try just about anything.  And we try things over and over again.  I once read something that instructed to try the same food item at least 15 times before allowing the child to "like" or dislike" a food.  here are some examples of what Mr. Jackson has often:

Breakfast:  Bananas, oatmeal, a fruit grain bar, grapes, pancakes, french toast, and yes I know...the bad breakfast meats such as sausage and bacon he absolutely loves. 

Snack:  Goldfish, grapes, iced oatmeal cookies, graham crackers, lil' crunchies, slow melt ice pops (for when the weather is right), or even fruit snacks (only one thing at a time)

Lunch:  Chicken nuggets, grilled chicken, cut up hot dog, ham, applesauce, french fries, apple slices, mashed potatoes, attempts at peas/carrots/green beans are still made (simple, easy to fix items for lunch)

Supper:  A taste of whatever Mommy and Daddy has whether it be some type of soup we have, meatloaf, cube steak, roast, ham, chicken, (which I don't think Jackson has ever had enough of)rice, potatoes...

Items that we still try but Jackson hasn't gave into yet:  Eggs, bread (bagels, toast, biscuits...none), most veggies (green beans, peas, carrots, cabbage, most any type of bean; except chili beans, corn, any type of sauces IE: ketchup, BBQ, ranch, mustard, and lots more I just can't seem to think of there are SO many!

Items he can never have enough of: CHOCOLATE, chicken, and anything to drink as long as it's not plain water( I have to flavor his water with some form of juice so it's not "plain")

Loves to drink:  soy milk, juices (apple, grape, pear, peach, blueberry, strawberry, mixed berries, the veggie juices by Apple and Eve)  and sweet tea (I KNOW!) (Ha ha!) 

I don't feel so bad after reading some of the other posts.  Just part of raising a toddler I guess. "Just keep swimming, swimming...." Gotta love my messy face little boy!